
Signs of Life in the USA


For this assignment I chose a song that I have known about for years by one of my favorite rappers Yassin Bey, formally known as Mos Def. It is called “New World Water”and it came out in 1999 on his “Black on Both” sides album. This song, as you might imagine, is about water. To be more specific, the monetization of it and the purity of the water that we drink. Bey rhymes lines like “New York is drinkin it, Now all of California drinkin it, way up north and down south they drinkin it, used to have minerals and zinc in it, now they say it got lead and stink in it, fluorocarbons and monoxide, push the water table lopside, used to be free now it cost you a fee, cause oil tankers spill they load as they roam cross the sea”. He also confronts the wastefulness of our culture when it comes to water “Consumption promotes health and easiness, go too long without it on this earth and you leavin it, Americans wastin it on some leisure shit (Say word) And other nations desperately seekin it”. It directly relates to the book “The Last Hours of the Ancient Sunlight”, Specifically the chapter called “The Last Hours of (Cheap, Clean) Water. That chapter dives in depth into the issue elaborating how humanity is on a chase for fresh water, how with so much concern over the contamination of tap water, the bottled water industry has become the most popular and profitable beverage industries despite the fact the safety of bottled water has been called into doubt. The chapter states “For most of the history of democratic governments, water has been considered part of the commons- the things we all use that are held on our behalf in common trust by governments answerable to “We, the People.” If we didn’t like how our water was being used or treated, we had the option of complaining to our elected officials and even voting out of office those who abused.”. The author goes on to state how “corporatism” started by Mussolini in the 1930’s, aided giant corporations to take over traditional functions of government in order to strengthen the economy but give more power to the government. Yasiin Bey is one of the most socially conscious rappers out there, and in this song he uses his platform the spread awareness of a real issue.

In the book “The Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight” talks about the warning signs that mankind has made but it also gives good examples on how we can help. One example that stood out to me was In page 39 “Father Bens response to his discovery years ago that there were armies of children living among the garbage dumps was to begin a scholarship program to put the “garbage dump kids” Through grade school and high school”. This quote stood out to me because one guy made a change and did something instead of just feeling bad for them. A song that relates to this book was the song “Man in the mirror”by Micheal Jackson , “I see the kids in the street with nothing to eat, who am I to be blind pretending not to see their needs”. He says through out this song that he is going to start by the man in the mirror and he is going to change his ways. I think is the best comparison because although we are aware of all the poverty and climate change that is going on we still wait for others approval or to do it, but how many of us take action in the moment instead of ignoring it. From the looks of it trumps attention is on NFL players kneeling while children over the world are kneeling from hunger and intoxicated pollution in the air. In the book it gives a good example on what one man can do. Father Bens put in school where hundreds have graduated high school and college for them. This is an enormous task but people should do what you can afford. The point is to look at yourself in the mirror and make a change. Im going to start with me by becoming more eco friendly and doing a little more than I can do by picking after other people and adjusting to alternative sources to create a better lifestyle. I still believe the earth can survive because there still life that needs and although it doesn’t seem enough by starting by myself it is going to make an impact because it only takes One person,One,Trend,One mindset,Ones chance to make the earth clean again.

The destruction of the Earth

In the book “The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight” written by, Thom Hartmann, he give and show vivvid proof of how bad man kind have destroyed and is still destroying the world. The song I think really relate to this book is the “Earth Song” by Micheal Jackson, he sings about almost everything the book speaks about. On page 44 of the book, Hartmann wrote, “Without trees, our atmosphere would most likely become toxic to us, and because rainforest trees have such a massively larger leaf area than our common trees, the rainforests of the world provide much of the oxygen that you are breathing as you read this page.” And in the song Micheal Jackson talks about the destruction of our world by asking question like “what about nature worth?” Which in the next line of the song he describe nature as, “Our planet worm” in other words, where life begin. The book tells us that without the trees, we will run low on oxygen which, we breath everyday and man kind will perish if we destroy nature, the worm of the earth as the song describe it. As man kind strive to make life better by ignoring every thing we destroyed around us, we are actually destroying ourselves because without the trees the will be no oxygen for you to breath as you read this.

Tabular Integration

The scene, “Tabular integration” will be first, that I’m  going to elaborate on the scripting of the scene. The scene started with a  student, who is of color, trying to solve a math problem on the board that he can’t do because, for him it’s difficult. The teacher “Escalante,” who is the main character of the movie, cogitate it’s an easy question that students should know how to answer. Most Hollywood films about school and students of color the teacher always know the right things, when to say the right things how to say the right things and only went push to the wall will say the wrong thing. For some reason the students show up angry. For example, these are few lines from the beginning of the script:

Escalante: uhm uhm (means wrong or no), try the shortcut. This is easy, baby stuff for boys scouts.

Student 1: Kimo, my mind don’t work this way. (trying to not get angry)

Escalante: tac tic toc…… It’s a piece of cake outside down. Watch for the green light.

Student 1: powww (bang on the board and lose his cool). I’ve been with you guys for two years. Everybody knows I’m the dumbest. I can’t handle calculus (with strong emphasis on each word). These guys have a better chance of making the AP test without me.

The teacher is alway as cool as the peak of the highest mountain and the students are always angry and always wrong to him. The teacher speeches are always right and always come out in a nice, calm and mostly motivating tone. Even when he is being rude to a student; however sound like it’s meant to be funny. His sense of maintaining his temple why being push can show you how a far his way of thinking is above the students mentality.

Student 2: heheheheheheheheheheheh (giggling).

Student 1: Don’t laugh (in a bullying and angry tone).

Escalante:   How can’t we laugh, you are breaking out heart (in a sympathetic tone).

Escalante alway has there answers for the reason why the students-think they-can’t answer any question they encounter, and without any proper investigation  he concluded that they don’t have the desire in them to do it. The students always need help from someone and no one not even their parent can help them out. Since, Hollywood movie about school and student, the teacher  always seems to be  the one person who pushes his or her students to the peak of their potential. Escalante now has to find another way to help these students learn faster because if he don’t they wont learn and no other person will help them or is capable of helping them. He got to make them come to extra classes through their winter break because it’s the only reasonable thing he can do to help them. He always willing to help them understand everything. The students, however are portrayed as dumb or easily angered.

The song that I picked is Michael Jackson’s “Earth Day” , I feel like this connects a lot with the book. The reason is because in the Lyrics it say’s “What have we done to the world
Look what we’ve done What about all the peace That you pledge your only son…What about flowering fields”, meaning that everything that we are doing to earth is killing it. With all the pollution, cutting down trees and wild life basely going extinct because of our doing. Also another line from the song is, ” Hey, what about yesterday, What about the seas, The heavens are falling down, I can’t even breathe, What about apathy, I need you, What about nature’s worth, It’s our planet’s womb”. Basely telling that we as human beings we have to take care our home and not kill it with all the chemicals that we are putting on the planet. Also I felt this is asking us to change our ways of living, so we can live longer not just for us but for future generations as-well.

The end of the world

I want to relate this song called ” el fin del mundo” by Porta  to the book ” The last hours of ancient sunlight” by thom hartmann. the author explains that human beings are destroying planet earth. basically the author stays that if we keep doing the same things the world is not going to last longer.  Hartmann tell us that by cutting down trees we are not producing oxygen anymore and we are destroying day by day our planet. the songs also talks about how we little by little are ending with the planet. people became selfish and we just care about what we can get and it doesn’t matter how we get it. this is true we just care about our own things and we don’t think that the environment, all natural resources are suffering because of us.

“Esta solo en nuestras manos el futuro del planeta
contaminacion, alteracion del tiempo y no hay manera
de evitar las guerras, peleas por nada
solo se que si sigue asi la cosa la humanidad esta acabada”

 it is only in our hands the future of the planet
pollution, alteration of time and there is no way
to avoid wars, fight for nothing
I just know that if it continues like this the humanity is finished


los polos se derriten por calentamiento global
culpa de la atmosfera, no, la culpa la tiene un gas mortal
para la capa de hozono, somos demonios
todo sea por petroleo por el monopoleo

the poles melt due to global warming
The fault of the atmosphere, no, the fault is a deadly gas for the ozone layer we are demons
everything is for oil for the monopolio

Image result for porta el fin del mundo



Task: Read and Comment on two of your classmates’ Posts

Due: Monday, November  12th by 9:00 PM.

Now that all of you have posted your paragraphs, it time to comment on them. Comments build on the ideas of a post. To comment on a post click on the title and scroll down to the comment box.


The goal of a comment is to build on the ideas of a post by connecting the original author’s thoughts to other  quotes, examples, and comments from the reading. Comments should be from 50-75 words long and should add to the conversation rather than critique or evaluate the original post. A good post features dynamic prose and makes interesting and insightful connections to other representations and/or the class readings.

If you have questions about either posts or comments, do not hesitate to contact me.



I am always struck by the contrast between the Rage of the Chicano mural and Chicano Park Takeover. For me, they represent different points on the resistance spectrum. Rage of the Chicano points to violence and Chicano Park Takeover points to community mobilization. Obviously, the second is more productive and less threatening, but the idea that a deeper anger simmers poses a challenge to the larger society’s responses to efforts like the takeover.

Hits me in the morning

“Didn’t see a warning
Hits me in the morning
Puts me in the moment, the moment
Didn’t find a reason
Hits me in the evening
Hurts me when i Breathe in, I breathe in.”
This verse is from the song “Freesol” by Seven Lions.
It can relate to “We notice rapid changes, not slow ones.” (41) from the book The Last Hours of Ancient Sun Light.
People generally do not know or do not believe we have problems until it is too late.
Right now we spending our lasts resources of our ancient sunlight in the from of forests, oil, and coal. These stored energy is not forever lasting and we are not putting anything back; it will run out. Eventually these non-renewable resources will be spent probably in our lifetime. Additionally, the spent resources have a negative impact for every one here on earth. From these resources, carbon goes into the air. It traps heat inside our atmosphere like a greenhouse. Global temperature rises over the years. A few degrees off changes climates all around the world, and it affects wildlife and in turn affects us. In the worst case scenarios, we may face decreased resources that we need to survive.

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